Tree Planting

Implementing tree planting programs that include tree planting and maintenance is a barrier that many communities face. We are seeking applicants that will address and provide innovative solutions for one or more urban sustainability issues identified in the Texas Forest Action Plan. This grant isn’t solely focused on beautification of community spaces, rather it is emphasizing the need for climate resilient, energy and water-wise community spaces. Priority will be given to projects that fall within any of the 65 Planting Priority Cities and 100% CJEST designated areas of communities over 900,000 in population.






The Submission Link is through Survey123, and will close February 16, 2024 at 5:00 PM CST. There is no ability to save your progress before submission. We have provided an Application Worksheet so you are able to save your work. Your application will not be considered until you input your information into the link below.

Tree Planting Application Submission