
Black, Sooty Coating (Leaf)
Leaf symptom in where a black, powdery substance is covering part or all of the leaf.
A lesion or abscess on a leaf.
Blotches of Dead Tissue
Symptom in where parts of the leaf appear dead, withered, or decaying.
Broken Branches
Broken branches occuring within the canopy of a tree.
Brown Margin
Leaf symptom in where the margin or perimeter of the leaf blade appears to be turning brown.
Leaf deformity expressed by localized spread of yellow to brown colorations.
Leaf symptom where the leaf begins to wither and curl up.
Term used to describe the removal or loss of leaves.
Any significant morphological issue occuring on a leaf.
Any major unnatural color change occuring within a leaf.
Specified leaf deformity that appears as if parts of the leaf are missing.
Epicormic Branching
Branch symptom where shoots arise from adventitious or dormant buds along a stem or branch.
Fungal Growth
Any type of obvious fungal fruiting body. Typically seen along the trunk or root collar.
Fungal Mats
More specified type of fungal growth. Typically large spreading fungal body along a trunk or stem of a tree.
Abnormal growths on a tree, especially on the trunk or branches.
Gradual Die-back
Wording to describe gradual canopy death through spreading defoliation and loss of branches.
Holes (Branch)
Small cavities that penetrate the branch of a tree.
Holes (Trunk)
Small cavities that penetrate into the trunk of a tree.
Insect Chewing
Specified type of defoliation where leaves appear chewed or gnawed.
Larval Galleries
Meandering cavities and tunnel like features in trees made by insects.
Localized defolation of specific parts of a leaf.
Mushroom, Conk, or Fruiting Body
More specified fungal growth characterized by obvious growth of mushrooms or fungal fruiting bodies
Oozing Black Sap
Specified symptom in which very dark and black sap is oozing from a tree.
Oozing Sap
Symptom in which a tree is exuding or oozing sap.
Material pushed out by insects as they bore into a branch, stem or trunk. Often seen near entry holes.
Specified type of defoliation where the leaf appears to be reduced to its veins and midrib.
Sloughing Bark
Term used to describe the shedding and loss of bark on a tree.
Splitting Bark
Term used to describe the cracking or splitting of portions of a tree's bark.
Any sort of abnormal splotches or patches on a leaf.
Webbing structure created typically by various catepillar species.
Gradual die-back of branch foliage that makes a tree appear to be withering.
Thinning Bark
Bark symptom where parts of the trunk appear to be withered or shriveled.
Veinal Necrosis
Specified form of leaf discoloration that appears around the veins or midrib of a leaf.
Any webs present on parts of a tree.
White, Powdery Coating
Leaf smyptom in which a white, powdery substance covers parts of a leaf.
Wilt (Leaf)
Leaf deformity expressed by drooping or withered look of a leaf.